About Us

Mission Statement
American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (AABGU) plays a vital role in sustaining David Ben-Gurion’s vision, creating a world-class institution of education and research in the Israeli desert, nurturing the Negev community and sharing the University’s expertise throughout Israel and around the globe.
Founded in 1972, AABGU is a nonprofit organization with headquarters in New York City and nine regional offices throughout the United States. The North American OSP office is located at and supported by AABGU’s national office in New York.
How AABGU Fulfills its Mission
AABGU fulfills its mission by raising funds and awareness for the University across the United States, showcasing BGU’s academic excellence and groundbreaking research.
Activities include educating individuals, foundations and the media about BGU’s research through a series of exciting and informative online communications, our signature magazine Impact, and educational programs and events that feature BGU’s world-renowned faculty.