There are differences between the BGU academic calendar and the OSP academic calendar. The fall semester of the two programs differs slightly while the spring semester aligns more closely. Dates below referring to the start and end of BGU classes/exams are shown for those students who wish to take courses directly at BGU. All OSP dates are subject to adjustment due to changes in BGU’s academic calendar.

Please note that the ulpan is required for all semester/yearlong students.

The calendar below is for the current 2018-2019 academic year. For future terms, please click on the appropriate year below:

2019-2020 Academic Year


2019-2020 Academic Calendar

*For OSP fall semester only students; yearlong students do not need to checkout during the mid-year break.


Spring Semester 2019
Beginning of OSP/BGU Spring Semester February 24
Purim Vacation (no classes) March 21
OSP Midterm Exam Period April 7-11
Passover Vacation (no classes) April 14-26
Memorial Day & Independence Day (no classes) May 8-9
Shavuot (no classes) June 9
End of OSP Spring Classes June 13
OSP Final Exam Period June 16-28
End of BGU Spring Classes June 21
Last Day to Checkout of Dorms June 30
All Final Papers Due for OSP Courses July 11
End of BGU Final Exam Period July 12


Summer Ulpan 2019
Recommended Flight July 24
Last Day to Arrive in Israel July 25
Orientation Weekend (mandatory) July 26-27
Summer Ulpan Begins July 28
End of Short Ulpan (4 weeks) August 28
End of Ulpan (6 weeks) and Final Exam September 4
Last Day to Check-out of Dorms for
Ulpan-only Students
September 5


Fall Semester 2019
Beginning of OSP Fall Semester September 8
Rosh Hashannah (no classes) September 29 – October 1
Yom Kippur (no classes) October 8-9
Sukkot Vacation (no classes) October 13 – 21
Beginning of BGU Fall Semester
October 27
OSP Midterm Exam Period November 3-7
End of OSP Fall Classes December 17
OSP Final Exam Period and end of OSP Fall Semester December 18-23
Last Day to Check-out of Dorms for OSP courses December 24
Channukah Vacation (no classes) December 29
All Final Papers Due for OSP Courses January 9
End of BGU Fall Classes
January 24
End of BGU Final Exam Period
February 14


Winter Ulpan 2020
Recommended Flight January 8
Last Day to Arrive in Israel January 9
Orientation Weekend (mandatory) January 10-11
Winter Ulpan Begins January 12
End of Short Ulpan (4 weeks) February 6
End of Ulpan (6 weeks) and Final Exam February 19
Last Day to Check-out of Dorms for
Ulpan-only Students
February 20


Spring Semester 2020
Beginning of OSP/BGU Spring Semester March 8
Purim Vacation (no classes) March 10
Passover Vacation (no classes) April 5-17
 Memorial Day & Independence Day (no classes) April 28-29
OSP Midterm Exam Period May 7-11
Shavuot (no classes) May 28-29
End of OSP Spring Classes June 18
OSP Exam Period and end of OSP Spring Semester June 21-July 3
End of BGU Spring Classes June 26
Last Day to Checkout of Dorms for OSP courses July 5
End of BGU Final Exam Period July 17
All Final Papers Due for OSP Courses July 16