
Ashley is a Junior at Washington College in Maryland. She is originally from Wilmette, IL.
Yom HaStudent : Day of the Student
June 3, 2013 -
Yom Hastudent at Ben Gurion is probably one of the coolest things I have ever seen, and I wish that I could take it back with me to the States to my college. Yom Hastudent, or Student Day, is a fantastic phenomenon that happens at Universities all around the country.
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June 3, 2013 -
Happy Birthday Israel
May 1, 2013 -
On April 16th, Israel celebrated its 60th birthday, a day in Israel full of barbecues and fun spent out in the sun. One of the many things I love about Israel, as silly as this may sound, is that this day comes the day after Memorial Day, which is a day marked in the States as one full of our own excitement with barbecues and too many sales to count.
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May 1, 2013 -
Passover in the Promise Land
April 1, 2013 -
This time last year I remember sitting in my Aunt and Uncle's house in Maryland, surrounded by my dad's side of the family, trying to keep my eyes open and waiting for the first Seder to be over.
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April 1, 2013 -
Best. Holiday. Ever.
March 1, 2013 -
After six weeks of learning Hebrew, I can say with certainty that the Hebrew word for awesome, Sababa, is my favorite word, as well as possibly the word I use most here. Learning Hebrew in Ulpan before classes begin has been a great experience because we have had time to concentrate on just learning the language.
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March 1, 2013 -
So this is the Holy Land
February 1, 2013 -
Two days after my departure from a snowy Chicago I was laying in the sand of the Kasui Sand Dunes with the sun beating down from the sky. After spending three months in London prior, during the fall semester, having the full British experience, including the general cloudiness and rain that plagues the region, I was overeager to come to Israel, a place where they pray for rain. But it was not just the hot weather or the desire for a good tan that drove me to come study in Israel, it was getting to finally study in the Holy Land.
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February 1, 2013 -