
Cortnee is a junior who attends Washington College, in Chestertown, Maryland. She majors in International Studies and minors in Anthropology.
Saying Goodbye
July 4, 2012 -
July 4, 2012 - The month of June came and went and it’s sad that everything I have known for the past year has come to its final hours. I could not be more pleased with how well this year turned out to be. All of the trips, memories, and experiences I have had over these past 9 months, have been incredible! The people that I have met over the course of year will always have a place in my heart. Although this was my last month in Be’er Sheva, it was by far the best yet!
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July 4, 2012 -
Summer is Here!
June 1, 2012 -
June 1, 2012 - Spring has come and left. Be’er Sheva is now about 80-90 F and only getting hotter. Despite the heat, I still find time to walk 30 minutes to the market for fresh veggies and fruit. The heat may be stifling at some points, but it sure makes for a great afternoon at the pool!
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June 1, 2012 -
Spring in Beer-Sheva
April 2, 2012 -
April 2, 2012 - Spring time is officially here! I love Israel during the month of April. Everyone is starting to come out from their winter cocoons and enjoy the sunshine. It’s cool enough to take runs outside during the hours of sunlight or enjoy the warmth by the pool.
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April 2, 2012 -
Back and Better Than Ever
April 1, 2012 -
April 1, 2012 - After two long months back in the States, I am so happy to be back in good ol’ Beer Sheva. I arrived in Israel just before Purim, with my costume in hand. I was ecstatic to catch up with the few friends who stuck around for another semester and to meet all of the new incomers.
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April 1, 2012 -
End of First Semester
January 2, 2012 -
January 2, 2012 - Where has all of the time gone? These past five months flew by! Before I came to Israel, students at my school in America, my family, and my friends all said that I was going to have an unforgettable time while studying abroad.
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January 2, 2012 -