
I am Jay-a second year Jewish studies major at the University of Virginia. The Overseas Student Program at Ben-Gurion University has allowed me to delve deeper into my major by experiencing Israeli culture and customs as well as Jewish practices, beliefs, and history. Through participating in OSP trips, engaging in BGU classes, and taking advantage of the many Jewish extracurricular and service activities, I have broadened my spiritual and educational horizons.
Beyond the Textbooks
June 29, 2015 -
June 29, 2015 - Last week, our Minorities in Israel class took a field trip to visit the Hebrew Israelite community in Dimona and the foreign workers in a southern Tel Aviv neighborhood. This field trip highlighted the difference between studying in the classroom and studying in the field – and was one of the best cultural activities that I have ever taken part in. Although we had read about and discussed both of these communities, actually visiting them in person offered a different perspective on each.
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June 29, 2015 -
Minorities in Israel Field Trip
June 15, 2015 -
June 5, 2015 - On April 30th, our Minorities in Israel class took a field trip to meet people from minority groups that we had been studying. This field trip took all day, from eight in the morning to eight at night, and it gave us the opportunity to ask questions and hear stories firsthand. Being in the geographic area that I’m studying is amazing, and going on field trips like these adds new depth to what I’ve learned in the classroom.
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June 15, 2015 -
A Heritage – and a Course – to Remember
April 28, 2015 -
April 28, 2015 - The Jewish Heritage has been one of my most interesting classes during my time at Ben-Gurion University so far. Although we have only had three weeks of class due to Passover break, this course has both already informed and expanded my view of Judaism in a way I didn’t expect.
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April 28, 2015 -
Questions Answered
March 19, 2015 -
March 19, 2015 - Before I arrived in Israel, many thoughts, questions, and dreams floated through my mind such as “What will living so far away from family and friends feel like?” and “What cultural changes will I need to adapt to?”
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March 19, 2015 -