
I am attending the fall semester at Ben Gurion University of the Negev through the Overseas Student Program. I am working toward my bachelors degree in Biology from Kalamazoo College, in Kalamazoo MI. Originally from Colorado, I am excited to be experiencing new cultures and meeting people from all different walks of life.
Midterms Have Ended
December 4, 2013 -
December 4, 2013 - Time is going so fast, and I am amazed that November has already passed. We recently finished midterms here, and are now in the final month of classes before heading home.
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December 4, 2013 -
Classes Have Started
November 1, 2013 -
November 1, 2013 - October has brought a lot of changes for me. Classes have started and things have settled down a bit. A new group of OSP students arrived at the beginning of the month for the fall semester. They have brought a new atmosphere and new friendships. A few of us who have been here since August thought it would be fun to show them around Be’er Sheva.
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November 1, 2013 -
First Month at BGU
September 18, 2013 -
September 18, 2013 - My first month in Israel has gone by faster than I ever thought it would. The first day was filled with travel, meeting other students and getting acquainted with the student dorms. Although exhausted, everyone was excited and ready to start the adventure of living abroad. I was amazed at how quickly friendships formed and how friendly the other students were (and still are)
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September 18, 2013 -