I am a junior studying Psychology at Tufts University outside of Boston. I'm from Park City, Utah but Israel is my second home. I have family in both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. I am passionate about meeting new friends and eating. I'll be running a half marathon while here, wish me luck!

Reflecting on My Study Abroad Experience
August 7, 2018 -
On my last day at BGU, I went to Aroma and ordered completely in Hebrew. The cashier commented on how much I've improved. It didn't hit me until I landed in JFK that I had left Israel.
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Hebrew, Cats, and Joy
May 23, 2018 -
Baby kittens roaming around and the strong perfume of flowers have elevated the campus. I've had the joy of spending the past couple Shabbats here in Be'er Sheva cooking up a storm with friends.
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April 16, 2018 -
This was our first week back from a beautiful Passover break. It was the best Passover of my life! I spent it with three friends from the OSP and the other amazing people we met on a program in Tsfat called Livnot U’Lehibanot. We went through the whole Seder, and I played the part of “Ten Plagues” during a skit. I feel so blessed to have spent this Passover in Israel.
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New Semester Adventures
March 12, 2018 -
This first week of school has been wonderful. The classes are small and engaging, with professors and students from various academic backgrounds. In our free time, my friends and I continue to discuss the material. I’m always delighted and pleasantly surprised by the conversations we have. For example, last weekend we got into the topic of Jewish mysticism while enjoying fudgy peanut butter ice cream.
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A Taste of Israel
February 5, 2018 -
January’s come and gone, one of the best I've had! In one short month, I've experienced some of what I expected to when coming back to Israel: the incredible food, beautiful sites, along with conversations and laughter with new friends.
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