The Chronicles Continue
By Lizzie - September 27, 2018
The last week:
Why is it that every time someone starts a sentence with “I’m not a bad person, BUT” it always ends with them seeming like a bad person? Okay, I’ll attempt a more genuine approach to it… I promise I’m not a bad person hoping for the demise of those succeeding around me (pretty good, right?) BUT I just wish everyone in my Hebrew class was struggling as much as me. I know that sounds horrible because it is indeed horrible, but every time I’m struggling to form a sentence that a toddler could muster out, after my friends around me have made a middle school level sentence, it just takes something out of me. Nothing is more frustrating then giving your absolute best to something, trying and trying and studying and preparing and then you still flop. My teacher, Michal, is one of the most patient and amazing professors I’ve had the pleasure to learn from and still nothing sticks. Whenever I stutter through saying “I did nothing but study this weekend” I know I’m disappointing myself more than her, but I always end up hoping she sees how hard I’m trying (even when I’m laughing it off to avoid complete public embarrassment). Some of this may sound pitiful or make me seem like a “downer” but I wholeheartedly believe that in order to appreciate the highs in life, you must acknowledge and respect the lows.
The ending:
Being asked to do a speech at the End of Ulpan ceremony was hugely flattering, and utterly terrifying. It was also ironic that the arguably worst at Hebrew was given such an honor, but it was an honor nonetheless. Saying goodbye to the status quo and the people with whom you’ve surrounded yourself can be hard to deal with but knowing that there’s more to come drives life. The end of Ulpan marked an introduction to a new chapter of my time in Israel and the Middle East.
Post Ulpan:
The day after Ulpan, I and three others decided to take a last-minute trip to Jordan. An idea that started a week before turned into a plan which then turned into an adventure I never thought I’d experience. While in Jordan, we participated in 17+ mile hikes in Petra, saw the beautiful desert views in Wadi Rum, and went to a party in the desert where I sprained my ankle doing the Cupid Shuffle. Needless to say, it was the most intense, exhausting vivacious trip I’ve had. Petra was sort of a culture shock. As soon as you stepped in the gates people would follow you for 5-10 minutes trying to sell you something. At the end of the day instead of politely saying “no thanks” you give a cold hard “no.” The kids are even more persistent than the adults, and they know just how to tug on your heart strings. The only funny part is when they throw in the line “give me a biscuit” into their sales pitch.
It’s been nice being back in Israel, meeting the new people, and starting classes. I’m excited to see what part of my body I injure next (I failed to include I broke my finger in my last blog post), and where the journey takes me next.